Oh look… You can see Glasgow University

Having taken a night/low light pic/stitched panorama from Speirs Wharf, and been a little disappointed since there wasn’t really anything noteworthy to be seen, at least not when looking south, I later had a walk around the place, hoping to find something better.

I was not disappointed for a second time, and found a fairly attractive view of the lit spire of Glasgow University.

The only problem was its distance, meaning the desired view was a small(ish) part of the best view I could take at full zoom – not really a good idea for a night or low light shot that will need a relatively long exposure. Something further aggravated by my aversion to tripods and desire to work hand held. That said, random supports are NOT off the agenda, and there was a handy wrought iron fence.

Even so, although the camera assured me all was well, when I inspected the eight ‘identical’ pics I took, despite the fence support and vibration reduction, only ONE of them was not rendered useless do to small movements.

If you’re wondering, then no, there isn’t any more detail to be raised from those shadows – this view is AFTER that was done.

Much as I’d like to name the roofs seen in the foreground, other than the Hunterian Gallery part of the university building (the lump in the centre, with some lit windows to its right).

The tall light is probably on the M8, where it meets Great Western Road, but I’m just not sure as I can’t identify what looks like a line of tenement chimneys to the right.

This might merit a reshoot in daylight, to catch the various features in greater detail, and get a fix.

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