New hazard at Speirs Wharf – GLUE SNIFFERS!

I’ve been cycling the Forth and Clyde Canal towpath for over a year now, and thought I knew most of the hazards – narrow paths under bridges (some only as wide as a bike, and unlit), dog walkers (to be fair, impressed that they nearly hold their dog and stand still while you cycle past), and the most dangerous – people dressed entirely in BLACK at night. That’s almost as irresponsible as the cyclists who wear black clothes and cycle without lights at night!

But, I found a new one last night.

There are a couple of big container like things lying at Speirs Wharf, just after the steep hill past Cowcaddens. They’re covered with assorted graffiti. I’ve stopped there a few times to take pics at night, but might be more careful there in future.

On this most recent nighttime pass, there was a crowd of yoofs in the corner at one of these containers, all out of their heads while sniffing glue!

While I gave them a wide berth, I couldn’t escape the fumes – SERIOUSLY strong stuff. The fumes caught my throat, even though I wasn’t close to them as I passed.

I haven’t had a lungful like that since I spilt some solvents while making up spray paint for cars, and that was enough to make me take more care in future.

I really can’t even conceive of huffing the stuff deliberately – then again, I’ve seen the data sheets.

Glad I was going fairly fast as I passed the containers and approached the hill.

I think I’ll be going faster in future.

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