If you look to your left…

I’m not saying Glasgow doesn’t have anything on its skyline, the sad reality is that there isn’t much to see if you don’t know the area reasonably well, and can point yourself at the few features there are around the place.

It’s also a little hilly, quite steep hills in some places, so the view is always going to be limited.

I’ve never had much opportunity to look around from the city’s hills, and I am learning the few features that can be spotted, and posting when I can see them.

Sighthill is new to me, and I’ve only been able to spot ONE gem so far.

While up the area’s newish Rusty Bridge, I spotted the GRI (Glasgow Royal Infirmary), and it’s fairly close, so a fair amount of detail can be seen.

The mass of scaffolding in the centre of the image is NOT, in fact, part of the infirmary, or even connected to it, and surrounds the spire of Glasgow Cathedral, which lies behind this view of the infirmary.

It takes a nice evening pic without too much effort, which makes a nice change, almost point and shoot 🙂

I’m not familiar with the view from this area yet, and couldn’t spot anything else of note which I recognised, but I will look again.

I have some new software which seem to be able to improve contrast and sharpness in images like this, without massively increasing the file size, which was an issue with my previous software. While it was good, it was TOO good, and sharpened a lot of detail in the edges, which made for huge files, and that meant having to post significantly smaller images.

I’ve been practising with it for a wile, but only now finding settings that suit my needs.

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