When you forget your job was to drain the swamp

Some things are a real shame.

Like most people who have seen Elon Musk lose whatever moral compass he may have had, and align with the narcissistic orange fascist Hitler loving would be murderous dictator (I could go on, but to what end) Donald J Trump, I left Twitter some time ago – and will NOT refer to it as ‘X’, but will fall back to Xitter (and xits), after being told the Chinese pronunciation of ‘X’ is similar to ‘SH’, which seems to make the name just about right.

I’d wanted to get on to Blue Sky, but it was invitation only at that time, and I was irritated as the one of the few channels I wanted to follow had moved there much sooner, and it was ages before I got my invite, and got back to seeing their content.

This had become essential as they had completely moved away from Xitter.

So, there was a break of almost a few months before I got back to them.

Sad to say, they’d changed.

Not the content, that was, and still is great.

The problem comes from their attitude to trolls and haters.

While they’re generally best ignored, that’s NOT what this owner had chosen to do.

Instead, they argue with every troll, post rebuttals and disclaimers, and generally fuel them.

Eventually, they do block them, but then carry on debating theme with people who follow.

Apart from being tiresome for someone who just wants to follow the theme of their pics (I won’t name the source, but say only that their subject material is old pics), it’s sad to see someone descend into such a dark place, and almost pick a fight with everyone who express a view they don’t like.

I even fell foul (once) when I posted a funny pic that they claimed reinforced a derogatory stereotype, and wasn’t welcome.

I almost caught myself responding, but decided not to.

As I noted in opening, it’s a real shame.

The content is great, but the endless side issues are not.

It reminded me of the old ‘Forgetting the idea was to drain the swamp while you’re busy fighting the alligators’ joke.

Sadly, I couldn’t find it online, although I used to see cartoons illustrating it all over the place.

So, AI to the rescue again!

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