Ayr County Buildings

Certainly a place with an interesting past, and worth a look.

Notable for having the gaol at its western end until it was demolished (by the inmates) in the 1930s, when they lost their ‘Cottage by the sea’, as it was known by some.

The building was extended into the space, and a memorial garden added, the St Germain-En-Laye Gardens, where a memorial to the Royal Scots Fusiliers can be found.

This post is, however, concerned with the other end of the building, the east end, since the end towards the sea is easy to photograph.

As can be seen from the shot I grabbed below, the western end is not that easy to photograph satisfactorily – the parked vehicles are always going to get in the way, all the more so if they are tall. Same problem with the facade, thanks to Wellington Square and the hedge around the gardens.

A drone would be handy!

However, that’s not happening and, since I’ve realised I’ve never taken pics of this place before, I’ll have to try some of my tricks in order to catch a decent pic.

I’ve got quite a few (past) pics of the square and building, but it’s only since I took this pic I realised the most, if not all, were taken from buildings around the square (probably from an upstairs window), maybe even the roof or attic, and from the occasional handy passing aircraft.

No wonder they all seem to have had nice clear views.

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