Even Caturday is better now

Although there still seem to be plenty of utter morons still freely wandering the streets of America, things have continued to improve since a certain orange, narcissistic, misogynistic, dangerously stupid, lying moron was kicked out.

Caturday is one of the more noticeable, and the sheer number of happy cats being shared just seems to be increasing every time I look at my online source.

So many, but I can only grab a few.

It’s nice to see ‘Cat Logic’ remains ongoing, with a big paper bag being the preferred bed rather than the expensive offering that it contained.

Cat Logic

Cat Logic

Schrödinger continues to be influential as well, and revenge is never far away.

The Revenge of Schrodingers Cat

The Revenge of Schrodinger’s Cat

Then there the highs.

Seriously, I will NEVER hear the word ‘catwalk’ without this jumping into my head (damn sight better looking than most on the human catwalk too).


And there are the lows.



Oh, just one more.

This one should have been let loose on the ‘Cat Crack’ before the bath.

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