Hamilton Mausoleum Lodge visit

I’m still not getting used to finding out about the existence of Hamilton Mausoleum Lodge, just far enough from the mausoleum itself to be hidden by the trees, so I never spotted it in all the years I used to wander around the mausoleum.

That said, given the horrible fence they added around the mausoleum a few years ago, and how far it is from the building, if I was doing the same sort of wandering there today, there’s a good chance I might have discovered it on my own, In reality, I found it while studying aerial images of the area around the mausoleum, and notice the unnatural straight lines of the building’s walls, and had to investigate.

Well out of sight, the walls of the lodge are a natural target for graffiti, which could be good, and could be bad.

I think the place looked better last year – this year, one of the wall areas was covered with assorted moronic and insulting scrawls, and I had to remove most of them before using the pic I took.

I posted the bee pic already, as I’ve been noting bees in various places, and it’s fresh, but the rest of the stuff is looking tired, and needs someone to get down there and smarten the worn out graffiti down there.

Already noted, the bee pic, with the bee’s cute friend – or is it a sneaky lawyer bringing a summons, or an ASBO?

The other two walls.

Thank goodness I’ve got some decent obscuration tools, or this pic might not have been included.

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