Bringing a little reality to a ‘Lady of the Forth and Clyde Canal’

Recall this pic from the recent Ladies of the Forth and Clyde Canal post.

I managed to avoid moaning but, although I think it looks good as it is, it was actually another of those extremely late night pics that displayed a massive blue shift. It may not look that extreme, but I had the green grass to use as a reference, and some areas that should have been white, so I was able to reduce the effect.

When the rain gave me a break recently, I was able to head out for a longer ride along the canal, and got there at a time which could almost be referred to as ‘early’, and the light was almost normal daylight.

I grabbed a few more shots, and was able to come up with this end result, which looks much more like the original piece.

My apologies for subjecting you to yet ANOTHER version, but you’ll understand why after I mention my ADHD and noticing the vandalism she’d been subject to.

I just couldn’t leave THAT alone.

If you didn’t spot it before, now that you know to look for something, hopefully you see why another version got tacked onto this post.

I hope the little snot that stole that spray can fell into the canal.

Really – a good bath would be appropriate for their disrespect.

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