Donald J Trump is spraying murals along the Forth and Clyde Canal

For those not following the orange man child’s lunatic behaviour in the US, as he attempts to build up a defence of ‘Unfit to stand trial’ as he prepares to fight FOUR indictments and 91 criminal cases, many liken his language and behaviour to that of a naughty child, who doesn’t believe he’s done anything wrong, and thinks giggling will make all the bad things go away. Yet the truth is that he’s a convicted rapist, was behind an insurrection that led to at least 5 deaths. I haven’t seen a count of the number of people he landed in jail, and are still being tried and convicted. And when he somehow became President of the United States, presided over a Covid-19 response that suggested people inject bleach, take ivermectin as a cure, and resulted in at least 800,000 deaths from the infection. At least he’s been broken, no longer on the Forbes 400 list, but somehow, STILL a grifter and fraud being handed millions by devoted (or deluded) followers, in a cult that believes every word he says is the truth, and there’s an evil conspiracy working against their dear leader.

I was reminded of that when I made a second trip back to the site of this rather nice mural of a lady, which once decorated a piece of wall beside the Forth and Clyde Canal, just along from Speir’s Wharf.

Previously: Bringing a little reality to a ‘Lady of the Forth and Clyde Canal’

When I made that pass, some weeks ago, I had to go back for a second look.

Although it was, by then, pitch dark and I couldn’t really take a worthwhile pic to record the scene, the wall was completely bare, just bare brick, as the face mural had been completely erased.

Intending to go back quickly to collect a confirmation pic, I couldn’t get back until a few days ago, and was greeted by a horrible scene.

I’ve expressed my belief that the level of graffiti art (off the official mural trails) has fallen to a depressingly low level, with most former sites worth visiting now being covered with words, often gibberish, or unreadable. I certainly won’t be wearing out my camera photographing any of it.

But this one is a new variation on the theme of moronic or retard-based graffiti.

Seriously? Some little moron stole or shoplifted a can of spray paint just to do this?

One can only hope he was caught shoplifting, and ‘they’ took him out back for a good kicking, rather than waste time calling the police.

Or that he maybe fell into the canal as he stood back to admire his ‘work’.

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