Proper murals/graffiti appear

If the following looks a little familiar, have a look at this post from back in July – Hamilton Mausoleum Lodge visit

Probably by a graffiti artist who has to work in secret, and live in fear of attack from the recent ‘Word Graffiti’ takeover, I recently spotted these cute characters appearing around Glasgow, when I had one of those ‘route changes’ to my previous path through the city centre.

Collected over a few weeks, it took a moment for me to realise they shared a common style.

That’s kind of nice, since I noticed some recent ‘Word Graffiti’ tripe spreading from Parkhead/Tollcross into the city centre was all in an identical style, signalling a common hand on the probably shoplifted spray cans. I’m comfortable saying that as ALL these moronic words are also outright vandalism, sprayed on private houses, walls, and building site material.

While I don’t even point a camera at this muck, and erase it from any pic it might be caught in, I’ll carry on with these mini murals.

There may be more (I might even spot them) but my path though the city is a little restricted at the moment.

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