There went the weather station batteries (and almost me)

I seem to be having a run of weird luck recently (good, bad, and’WTF), which is kind of hard to live with, not knowing which one will be along next, or if there’s a ‘Package Deal’ about to arrive.

For example, this week started with a gem that could have landed me in hospital with serious head injuries, and a candidate for the Glasgow Coma Scale. I’m still counting myself lucky that the I ONLY ended up almost immobilised in bed for three days. Suffice to say, I had my feet taken from me on a downward slope, and still don’t know how I manage to avoid the back of my head slamming at full speed onto the concrete beneath me. I’ve had a whack on the back before, and just dusted myself off, got up, and walked away. I went down so fast and hard on this one, the force almost made me black out for a moment, even though I didn’t hit my head, and, when I did pick myself up, my whole torso hurt.

An over ear earphone set I’d been wearing had gone, as had a torch which had been in my pocket (all retrieved).

Oh well, there goes ANOTHER lost week while I recover.

I wouldn’t have minded so much, had I not spent the previous week avoiding slips and slides on muddy/grassy slopes – then I get a potentially life-changing smack down on a proper concrete path with a near invisible coating of fine silt, slippier than ice.

This relates to the weather station as I had been watching the weather change (anything but subtly) as we approach winter, when there can be odd days, and extremes.

In this case, we had gone from warm days and chilly nights, to a slightly odd, almost constant temperature period, with little or no difference between day and night (I think cloud cover and rain can do this).

As I was watching this, I noticed the temperature had stopped changing, then the remote sensor signal stopped.

Off course, THAT only happened when I was stuck in bed, and couldn’t reach up to lower the sensors, and check/replace the batteries – I just had to leave, and get more and more ticked off by the dead display as the days passed.

While not pain free, I was finally able to get up to the sensor pack and bring it down to check the existing batteries, confirm their end, and fit a new set.

Even that didn’t go to plan – for some reason, the digital voltmeter crashed, and despite responding to range and function selection, decided EVERY battery it was presented with was at 0 V. Never seen that before!

Threatened with the usual fix (if the first hammer doesn’t work, get a bigger one), it started to read correctly, confirmed the poor state of ONE of the old cells, and that the new ones were fit for use.

Everything powered up properly, and the barometer was adjusted for local readings.

The crazy readings can be seen below, followed by the normal results.

The frustrating thing is I missed some crazy high winds we had a day ago, and the cloud cover has changed completely, so I can’t tell if the external temp will be the same, or if the daily variation has returned. That won’t show for a few days. It was really odd a few days ago – the nights stayed so warm I had to dump the warmer duvet (but it’s back).

The ext temp graph was just beginning to show the cycle return – then that cell died and took the sensors down.

Not that I really care about missing these results.

I’m seriously pleased NOT to be in hospital, maybe with a plate in my head, or worse.

This one was just TOO close – by millimetres!

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