Ayr’s falling apart (but can be fixed)

I took the initial pics a while ago, but circumstances prevented me from getting to them, and using them for a post.

That’s turned out to be handy, since one of my most recent visits to the town meant passing the same spot – and finding the necessary work already done and dusted.

Seems that this can be done without the sort of media hysteria we enjoy in Glasgow when bits of building decide to seek some ‘Alone Time’. To be fair, Glasgow’s building are generally higher, and they tend to be much more unfriendly to those below. Such things generally seem to attract the sort of restorer who likes to be very ‘hands on’, and gets up with big hammers to see how much else they can get on to the ground.

They seem to be more practical in Ayr, brushed the pieces quietly into a corner, then popped them back into place when no-one was looking 😉

As seen when it first caught my eye.

It didn’t take long to work out that these were random bits of ‘stuff’ that had just landed there by chance.

And then find the likely sources.

It’s slightly intriguing.

The first one looks as if it was knocked off, by being hit, but there doesn’t seem to be any damage to confirm that.

The second one has staining along the edge, suggesting water damage, which means it could have been forced off after the water froze and expanded.

There seems to be more debris than these two sites would account for, but from my viewpoint on the ground, I didn’t seem to be able to spot anything else. Pieces may have come from another location, and just all been swept into this corner.


Next time I was there, a quick look confirmed someone had ‘kissed it better’.

I couldn’t really get closer this time – if it’s not obvious, it’s night, the place is closed, and the light is coming from the street lighting, and the uplighter in the footway.

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