When X77s gather in Ayr

Given how long I’ve been using this coach service to get to Ayr, I’m not sure why I never collected the coach registration numbers.

It’s not as if I didn’t quickly notice their significance, or that there was more than one.

On reflection, I think it was just down to the weather, and it being a stinking cold and wet day the first time the penny dropped on this, and the ‘moment’ was lost.

I’ll have to start the collection.

This first one is probably the best, matching not only the bus/coach number, but also the fact that it’s a bus 🙂

Notable in this pic is the destination, Monkton.

This was a change to the service, previously routed via Fenwick.

I think I preferred the Fenwick route, which had an interesting loop near that stop, and diverted via local slip roads and a roundabout, then returned to the motorway.

That said, Monkton does provide an interesting section, as the coach driver negotiates the narrow village streets with what is a motorway sized coach.

Note the 4 wheel axle at the rear – the trailing pair steer, turning in the opposite direction to the front, thereby reducing the turning circle of this large vehicle.

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