Friends of Tollcross Park 2018 AGM


I pass, even pass through quite often sometimes, but I’m past getting involved in stuff.

I’d almost make the effort, if I thought there was any chance of hearing something positive about the Winter Gardens disaster.

Tollcross Park Friends AGM

Tollcross Park Friends AGM

On my ever-expanding grammar fun quest, did you spot the error in this poster?

I haven’t seen it referred to by a name, but there seems to be a growing number of examples, especially with some modern items, such as GPS. While this acronym refers to the Global Position System, it’s not unusual to see references to the “GPS System”, which expands to the Global Position System System.

That can be improved a little by using “GPS navigation systems”.

Here we have the “AGM Meeting”, which expands in a similar manner, to become the Annual General Meeting Meeting.

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