Jail or Arkham would be fine with me

I have to admit to thinking all those shown (and quite a few more) must have been inmates of Arkham at some point, and either fooled the review board, or managed to escape.

It would be nice to get them back where they belonged though, with the chance that another might use them for some sort of experimentation before anybody notice, or cared.

Failing that, jail would be an acceptable alternative, preferably in a state with a poor record for inmate wellbeing, and the adoption of outdated, cruel, and humiliating punishments.

Jail or Arkham would be fine with me

Jail or Arkham would be fine with me

Worryingly, although I have no interest in these criminals, such has been the highly publicised nature of their crimes – and let’s be honest, the utter lunacy of their various ravings – that I recognise SEVEN of them (not counting the skeleton or mouse).

‘Care in the community’, and closing all the asylums has a LOT to answer for.

In this case, there WERE ‘Good Old Days’, when people like this were routinely stripped and hosed down with cold water from high pressure hoses.

Please note, I specifically stated ‘People like this’, and not the poor unfortunate souls who were often stuffed in such places back then, just to get rid of them.

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