Does accidental/careless or ‘Works’ damage count as vandalism?

While circumstances mean I’ve never finished this post The Cuningar Stones – an incomplete tale (so far) it does provide an earlier view of the stone noted here.

While I was collecting a pic of the completed Bothy project, I was disappointed to note that the contractors has managed to damage one of sculptor James Willet’s Cuningar Stones, Gatepost, first met by visitors entering at this end of the park.

I wasn’t sure if it was actual damage at first, or just a change in the markings, but a closer look (and bit of finger poking) confirmed surface damage and loose piece of stone scraped from the surface.

No idea what actually happened of course, but if the contractor did use the stone as some sort of support to prop a JCB or similar against, then it’s simply not acceptable, and they should be penalised.

While it could be aid the damage is minimal and inconsequential, or just ignorance, the flip side of this argument is that if something like this happened as a result of the same careless attitude when work was going on, then it wouldn’t be long before there was a significant problem, or a major event.

If you didn’t spot it, I suggest you look for the case of a bored security guard in Russia, who allegedly doodled eyes on to a £740,000 artwork on display in the gallery he was supposed to be guarding.

It’s just unnecessary.

Willet Gatepost Cuningar Stone Damage

Willet Gatepost Cuningar Stone Damage

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