Please Sir. What is an ‘Aircraft Plane’?

Unfortunately, although somebody with a brain thought it would be a good idea to laminate the posters displayed on Bothwell’s notice board, their less well-gifted opposite number decided it would be an even better idea to attach those posters using staples, punching through the protective lamination, and rendering it ever so slightly less than effective against Scotland’s weather – it does actually rain here, during summer.

I was too late to partake of the invitation in this poster.

I’d liked to have wandered past, just to see what an ‘Aircraft Plane’ was, and if they had a real flight sim, and not just a PC running Microsoft’s Flight Simulator, or clone. Don’t take that as knocking MS FS etc, as I’ve run these on a top end gaming PC with hi-res graphics, and it’s very good, especially if run with all the aids turned OFF!

Thanks to our lovely wet weather, I had to do a little CSI type work on the pic, and raise the words and letters from the rather soggy and faded background, just to be sure what had been printed was what I thought.

My real curiosity arose from the invitation to ‘See a Real Aircraft Plane’, and find out just what this was. Not even the mighty Wikipedia has an entry for ‘Aircraft Plane’.

I suspect someone wrote the copy and got carried away – and was thinking of ‘airplane’, or ‘aeroplane’, and nobody noticed.

I’d still like to see what they were able to get someone to bring along and fit into the car park, and suspect it might have been one of those really nice little home built light aircraft seen on small airfields around the country.

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