Now I am getting local deer warning signs

I make no secret of my assertion that deer are the dumbest animals you are likely to come across on Scotland’s road.

While animals with at least one brain cell will runs away from the horribly noisy monster with the bright shining eyes, or freeze in fear (so you can easily avoid them), EVERY time I encounter deer they TRY to kill both themselves and me.

Their usual plan when they learn I will be passing nearby is to find something to hide behind, then wait until my car is just the right distance away before they break cover and try to run in front, so I can’t avoid them.

The last one left it too late, and only succeeded in ramming the front nearside wing, then running off, having broken everything breakable, and moved the wing about 5 mm to meet the side of the bonnet.

Pretty sure this was only installed at some time in the past few weeks, I found this deer warning sign on a nearby road while out for some exercise one night.

I’ve seen them in the woods over the years, but here at least, not near the roads, although I now recall mention meeting these brainless idiots on the paths through the recreational land – and they’re just as dumb when someone on a bicycle approaches them – I’ve come close to ‘storing’ my bike between their butt cheeks, as the dither and mess about in front of me!

I haven’t been able to do much in the way of local wandering or cycle recently, so wonder if there are more of these to be found.

At this rate, I suspect I’ll find one in my back garden soon, fighting with the squirrels, birds, dogs, mice, rats, and hedgehogs for food scraps.

Notice, cats did NOT appear in that list.

Sadly, although they used to be fairly common and friendly, they’ve all but disappeared, and those that do sometimes appear usually vanish if you get any closer than 10 m.

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