Explaining how a Convicted Felon like Donald J. Trump could be President (Dictator) from a jail cell

And, what he could do about it.

Convicted felon and insurrectionist Donald J. Trump exposes deficiencies in the Constitution of the United States combined with corruption in the Supreme Court, which has ignored and already refused to apply even the existing provisions of the Constitution.

The writers never envisioned something as corrupt and evil as Donald J. Trump being able to win, or buy, a presidency, so never thought of including the necessary provisions to deal with it.

Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump can STILL run for President

This video confirms Trump can STILL run for President in the November election.

There seem to be NO exclusions for felons.

Apart from finding this strange just because it is something the Constitution does not take into account, and that is perhaps not all that surprising given when it was created, I doubt those who wrote it ever conceived of a lifelong criminal such convicted felon Donald J. Trump ever being elected or holding the position of President. The thing that really amazes me about this omission is that it was not addressed after Al Capone’s conviction on five counts of tax evasion in 1931. Like Trump, Capone was able to pay people to keep him clear of the law as regards his criminal activities. Although he didn’t run for President, he was like Trump in that he appeared to be ‘untouchable’.

Everyone was probably too received at getting him behind bars to consider anything else.

I wonder if his fate after conviction (he was 32, Trump is 76) will form any sort of model for Trump’s remaining years, could be appropriate:

After conviction, he replaced his defense team with experts in tax law, and his grounds for appeal were strengthened by a Supreme Court ruling, but his appeal ultimately failed. Capone showed signs of neurosyphilis early in his sentence and became increasingly debilitated before being released after almost eight years of incarceration. In 1947, he died of cardiac arrest after a stroke.

I caught an interesting documentary series some years ago, which went into his background and involvement with Prohibition, which was something of a joke, since at that time, the US Government was virtually run by the mob, perhaps a reminder of Trump’s Project 2025, where he plans to place ‘his’ people in all significant posts in the US Government, so it’s filled with ‘Yes’ people, and his decrees see no opposition or dissent.

Such was the state of affairs that fear of retribution and inability to act against those people in Government led to the appointment of Eliot Ness and The Untouchables – real people who were able to use the mob’s tactics against them with relative freedom, and eventually bring them to account.

But it shows what would be needed if someone like convicted felon Donald J. Trump was allowed back into the White House, completed his project, and assumed the role of dictator, AS HE HAS OPENLY STATED. For a day?

If you believe that, I have some nice bridges to sell you, and lots more.