Kelvingrove STILL manages the odd surprise

Given how much time I’ve spent crawling around, over, and through Kelvingrove, I would have thought it unlikely there were any surprises left – at least none that were sitting in plain sight.


I was standing on the steps leading to the Argyle Street entrance when I happened to look up (remember, ‘Look up!’ is ALWAYS good advice) and saw something I had never seen before.

While it’s not really any great surprise that I’d never seen the plaque shown below before – I’m usually rushing to get in for the start of an organ recital, or rushing out to make sure I catch a bus – I have still wandered around the exterior often enough NOT to have missed seeing this before.

Glasgow Landmarks Kelvingrove

Glasgow Landmarks Kelvingrove

Where are they?

Sad to say, a quick (or long) search online seems to be unable to find any sort of official listing of these plaques.

While they can be found referred to on a Government web site which gives details on how to propose one, and the various rules and regulation about their approval, even that only shows a few typical examples of the various types.

Unfortunately, from other discussions in past years, this may be a deliberate policy intended to protect them.

It seems that a number have been stolen over the years, particularly if they were made of non-ferrous metal and sited in locations which were easy to reach.

Although perhaps not as grand, there has been a move to fabricate such plaques from materials which have little or no inherent value, and locate them more securely – perhaps to deter souvenir/trophy hunters.

If you really want to find them, I suggest the best way to find them is to carry out an image or photo search, using a suitable description of the subject and/or location.