The ouroboros hidden in Glasgow University

Kelvin Building Signs

Kelvin Building Signs

I’ve kept the most interesting find from a wander I took around Glasgow University’s buildings a while a go.

I can recommend visiting places you may think you know well, and looking with new eyes, for details.

It’s all too easy to get used to places and just drift through without noticing anything because you’re not paying attention.

It’s not often I come to a complete stop, and look surprised when I see something, but I did just that when I spotted the carving below on the Kelvin Building (Physics and Astronomy).

I should add that this is one of those odd features which seems to be problematic regarding its colour rendering, and I’m not sure about the final version.

It was a horrible grey day when I took the pics, and the original (unprocessed) version came out as a hazy grey, almost a colourless monotone.

I let the various colour correction tools loose on it, and three different types all came up with the same final result – but I’m not convinced of the accuracy, but can’t be sure without a visit to confirm (or get another pic on a brighter day), which isn’t likely to happen any time soon. I just don’t recall seeing the colour variations on the day, but then again, the light was terrible, and I wasn’t really paying attention to that aspect of the view.

Kelvin Building Ouroboros

Kelvin Building Ouroboros

I had to take a second look, as my first impression was of some sort of all seeing eye representing the Illuminati or suchlike, but the second look confirmed the six pointed star in the middle of the triangle, and not an eye.

There are many interpretations of the symbology, but given that this is on a physics building, we’ll be going with the alchemical option and leaving the nonsensical options for another day.

I actually DID start to summarise some of the options for the meaning of the three symbols contained in the above work, but found it impossible to mention just one without appearing to be favouring it, and dismissing the others, Even though that wouldn’t have been my intent, there are so many nutjobs online who think THEIR interpretation is the one and only TRUE version, the chances of attracting them are just too high.

There are now PLENTY of online references where the various meaning of the six pointed star, triangle, and ouroboros (snake/serpent/dragon eating its own tail) can be found.

I’m sure many a happy hour can be passed working through them all 🙂

As noted when I started, this is on a building related to physics, or natural philosophy to give it an earlier name, and that means I’ll be sticking with alchemical connections.

I’m still more concerned with the weird/horrible effects the light had on the view on the day I happened to take this pic.

Since I can’t see me getting back for another look (quickly), I think I’ll try something I don’t really like doing, and turn this one into a black and white, or greyscale version, avoiding the issue altogether.

Glasgow University Ouroboros Greyscale

Glasgow University Ouroboros Greyscale

I HAVE to go back and take another pic, and take care to do it on a nice, bright, sunny day, even if only to satisfy my own curiosity, and work out if I’m imagining the colour problems, or if they’re real.