Every repair is a failure, but at least it means I get lucky

Even if it always seems to be bad luck.

I seem to be collection repair/maintenance failures, and now have to clear some work space.

Taking up a surprising amount of desk space, the recent triple fail of two watches and a clock (at least not my fault, but not viable fixes) still was not a great start, even if they moved off the bench.

Didn’t really help, since they got replaced by three LARGE items (not mentioned yet as just become ‘work in progress).

Ye Olde Power Supply

Might have mentioned this last year, after a slipping clip killed a 13.8 V 8 A power supply I was using. As usual, bad luck played a part, when the two giant croc clips I was using to connect to the supply manage to touch when the wire were pulled. Although I’d checked that the bare metal of the clips couldn’t bridge the terminals, I should have remembered my Luck Only’ option, and checked the scenario where the clips could be pulled by their wires, and somehow move in OPPOSITE directions, and short on each other.

Of course, the output stage blew and protected the fuse, which was fine 🙂

Because it was in use, I didn’t have time to look at it then, so it got shelved as I dug up a replacement to get things going again.

However, it did get opened up shortly afterwards, and has been sprawling all over the bench since, waiting to be fixed.

That just happened, and I found the output transistor, and one used to monitor/limit the current had expired, but no other damage.

Simple fix? Of course not

This circuit was so simple it was easy to check everything. The main hassle was the TO3 transistor which I had mounted on an external heatsink, and had to be insulated, with lots of messy heatsink compound keen to get everywhere.

I forget how the transistor was originally mounted, but my external heatsink had fins at leat 20 times the size of the bent metal of the original (inside the case)l, yet STILL got too hot to touch when this supply was only running at half its rating, 4 A.

Not wanting to get caught by something unexpected, I powered this supply up in stages, hoping to avoid a BANG!

It actually worked fine, with all the expected voltages present, and just one small problem – NOTHING at the output terminals, even though there was voltage present on the output transistor.

I stared at this for a LONG time before the solution presented itself, and that only came after I started writing down the circuit and the connections to the PCB and components, again!

I’d done this at the start, expecting things to get messy as I took the thing apart.

What I hadn’t noticed was that the wires extending the output transistor changed colour at a connection almost out of sight, hidden by the heatsink fins.

Once I wrote these changes down, and identified which was which as the colours changed, and connected the output transistor to the PCB correctly – the thing was working fine (and always had been, but for the wiring).

At least the crossed wiring didn’t lead to the thing being shorted, and going up in smoke.

Looking at the circuit, I don’t think it could, at least if there wasn’t a load connected – and that wasn’t going to happen until I’d proven it was working first.

Job done? Don’t be so silly.

I’d like to finish this by saying I buttoned the thing up and it’s sitting on the shelf ready to go the next time it’s needed.

Of course, with my luck, I can’t.

Those clever designer decided to mount the PCB on the back of the output terminals, and they have large metal contacts that mate with a similar area on the PCB, and are bolted down to it.

One of the terminals appears to have been badly machined, and while the thread was not found to be stripped, the thread seems to have been cut to a slightly smaller diameter than it should have been. While both nuts tighten securely on the other terminal, on this one they just spin over the widest part of the thread on the terminal, and don’t grip.

Of course, I don’t have any PCB mounting terminals. All my stock is for mounting on panels, with the mounting hardware insulating the metal from everything around it. And, there’s no room to mount such a terminal in this supply – so I’ll just have to look for a replacement.

SpongeBob? Is that you?

This power supply is not photogenic. A black box with a black heatsink, and even blacker after I slapped black car underseal on the case in an effort to cut down the hum coming from the steel case. This supply was in use on a nearby table for some years, and the mains hum was considerable as there was not much space between the sides and the sizeable transformer. I even added stiff rubber mounts to stop the sides vibrating.

Just for fun, I asked an AI image source to provide an image of a scary/crazy exploding transistor.

It came up with the SpongeBob family album!


Off I go, onto the NEXT failure (no worries, It’s already well underway).

Ideal little second-hand computer – I should have known BETTER!

It’s taken me FOUR trips into the city centre, and something in the order of 10+ hours, just to NOT buy a handy little computer spotted in my favourite charity shop.

I’ve been looking for a recent small computer, without a massive processor, to run some legacy software that Microsoft left behind years ago in the great Windows upgrade after Windows 7. Probably not many people know this, but some software packages won’t run on the next generation of Windows (I’m not counting 8 as it was crap and I never had it on any of my machines).

I kept some old desktops to run it, but after the last two keeled over from old age and over use – actually the IDE drives eventually fell apart – I had to find an alternative.

It’s now hard to find IDE drives, even second-hand, and if you do, how do you know how long they might last? They could be junk new old stock, or on their last 10 minutes of a long life.

There are all sorts of other problems if trying to maintain legacy hardware. For example, although Windows 7 should burn a CD that lets you transfer everything on a hard drive to a new one. Guess what? When I tried to fire this option up, it was the only thing not listed on the ‘Upgrade Menu’!

There was more fun when I decided to transfer everything using USB. Despite promises of compatibility, the OLD USB connection just aren’t recognised when connected to the latest hardware. Even old networking doesn’t work any more. A ‘New Tech Guy’ just shook his head when I asked, and mumbled something about Microsoft deleting a load of old networking code, in the name of ‘Security’, to stop old systems from being used to hack into new ones.

There’s ALWAY something wrong

I thought I had won a proverbial watch during the week, when I spotted a small footprint business computer for £40 in my favourite charity shop. Probably used for POS (point of sale) it had a card reader built into the keyboard. More importantly, it had a Pentium, huge load of memory, decent hard drive, and a Windows 7 sticker – although it had been wiped (I still have all my old OS instals).

Got it home, unpacked the bits, went to connect them, and…

What’s wrong with this pic?

Spotted what’s missing?



Small footprint computers get down to their size either by utilising a switch mode power supply in the case, or an external linear supply outside it.

I’d seen the mains lead in the bag of bits – but never thought there would be anything missing.

In this case, however, the 19 V external supply wasn’t there.

It wasn’t in the shop either.

Given the price of a 19 V 8 A external supply, it soured the whole deal, so I had to return it for a refund – the shop couldn’t come near funding a new supply, so the deal was ruined if I had to buy a new one for an old computer.

Well, there you go – MY USUAL LUCK!

And people wonder why I don’t gamble.

Vintage Farnell bench power supply has lucky escape

While it may not fall into my current theme of ‘Items committing suicide when in close proximity to me’, this vintage power supply (from the early 1960s) was lucky enough to survive a sudden attack of conscience on my part, after I chose to replace the missing grommet from its mains cable after I decided to install it at the back of my bench, instead of storing it between uses.

As an aside, I was surprised to find an identical L30/T currently on sale from the US for £23, but being heavy, costing a further £85 for delivery. Operating voltage was the standard 210 – 240 V, set by a voltage selector on the rear. They did make 105 – 120 V models, but despite being in the US, the one for sale wasn’t one of those.

This one has apparently never had a grommet, maybe not even when new, as there’s no evidence of discolouration around the cable hole, or marking/indentation on the lead itself. There’s never been an issue since the mains cable usually spent its life coiled up on the rear of the supply, but its new home means the full length of the (short) mains lead was probably going to be needed, so I thought I should make this ‘right’.

This dual supply is basically two identical, but separate/isolated, 30 V 500 mA DC supplies with current limiting, mounted within a single enclosure. Single versions were also sold.

Voltages can be set with a fair degree of precision – a switch selects one of three ranges: 0 – 10; 10 – 20; 20 – 30 V, while a variable control provides a fine setting of the voltage within the selected range.

I just downloaded the manual, and learned it was designed such that the supplies could be safely connected in series or parallel, so increasing its versatility. I’ve never risked making such interconnections (without approval) since I saw someone do that, then had to watch their nice new power supplies emit clouds of smoke.

Farnell L30-T Front

Farnell L30-T Front

Although it didn’t occur to me at the time, I should have taken some pics of the inside while I was checking the cable before replacing the grommet. At least I thought enough to point the camera at the rear, showing the fuses, current limiters, and voltage selector.

It’s practically like new, from the days when everything was built out of components you could actually see and hold in your hands, unlike the tiny, dust-like SMD components common today, barely visible on a massive multilayer PCB amidst a few surface mount semiconductor packages containing the equivalent of a room or two full of electronics from the past, and needing a cooling fan capable of producing a local Force 10 gale to prevent them from bursting into flames.

Today, even the fuses are tiny, dust sized SMD components that need a magnifier to see, let alone find, and switched mode power supplies mean voltage selectors are a thing of past, as most will operate from below 100 V AC to above 250 V AC with no need for adjustment.

It may have been years ago, but I still remember opening the first piece of equipment to have such a supply in our lab, and wondering if the label showing that wide operating voltage range was genuine. With a price tag of around £10,000 back then, I certainly wasn’t going to be the one turning that box of goodies on without first confirming with the manufacturer.

Farnell L30-T Rear

Farnell L30-T Rear

Things went wrong just after I renewed the grommet, and set the supply onto a small side table before I cleared a space at the rear of my bench.

I didn’t realise I’d placed it so near the edge of a small table, on top of a piece of rubber backed protective carpet tile.

About half an hour later I heard a thud – the carpet tile had slowly deformed under the weight of the supply, and the supply slid off the table/carpet onto the floor.

At least the drop was onto carpet, and only about 2 feet (sorry, 60 cm for tender, easily offended, non-bilingual millennials), but when I turned the thing on to check it – one of the supplies was completely dead (insert long stream of obscene language and curses here, just to get the full effect of my reaction).

Oh well, here we go again… off with the covers.

The good news appeared to be no evidence of damage, and both meter movements seemed to be OK.

I was initially aggrieved to see that the neon indicator on the front panel did not come on when the unit was switched on, and that one of the supplies was dead. That feeling got worse when I noticed the red lens on the indicator appeared to have been broken – it had been fine before this drop.

I later found this damage had, in fact, always been there, which was a bit of a surprise. The red lens still looks completely undamaged when seen from the front, but when seen from below (with the unit on its back), it’s obvious that it has been hit from below and pieces have been lost. When I checked the floor for pieces of the red lens where the unit had fallen, no bits of lens were to be found. This makes sense since the corner where the lens protrudes is effectively shielded by the casing, and a simple drop would not have broken just the underside of the lens. So, at least I hadn’t caused THAT particular piece of damage.

I checked the fuses, both looked identical, and both (apparently) tested OK for continuity across their respective fuse holders – yet one supply was completely dead while the other was fine.

I was puzzled by this, and while I had a few random stabs at checking other components, there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with the dead one.

Despite both fuses passing their first test, there was definitely no mains voltage reaching that dead supply.

The combined failure of the neon indicator, (not illuminating when the mains was ON), and ONE working supply – there was something odd going on.

Again, I checked for continuity across the fuse holders, and eyeballed both fuses, visually confirming both were intact.

That brought my fault-finding mistakes up to a grand total of TWO!

First was checking for continuity across the fuse holders while the fuses were still inserted. To be fair, this should be OK, but depends on the spec of the meter being used, and the circuit being checked (more later),

Second was accepting that the continuity result AND the eyeball check of the fuse wire within the glass fuse was adequate.

1.25 in 2 A Glass fuse

1.25 in 2 A Glass fuse

When I took the additional step of removing and checking the fuse from the dead supply), it FAILED. It proved to be open circuit, despite the wire inside looking perfectly normal (and identical to its partner from the working supply).

In fact, the fall had caused the fine (500 mA) fuse wire to fracture under one of the metal caps on the glass fuse, so, despite appearing complete, had a hidden break. The pic is actually a 2 A fuse – a 500 mA sample barely had visible wire inside.

I confirmed this break under a magnifier, where it was possible to see the wire vibrate at one end (the failed end) when the glass envelope was trapped.

Replacing the broken fuse brought both the second supply AND the dead neon back to life.

And that neon was the second mystery.

According to the circuit diagram, the mains indicator neon is just wired directly across the mains, after a double pole switch connecting live and neutral to the two fuses, and then the two transformers.

There’s no reason, from that diagram at least, for the neon not to remain lit if a fuse blows (or breaks) on either one or both of the independent supplies.

I can only assume (yes, I KNOW I shouldn’t do that) the published diagram (or at least the version I could download) differs from the actual ‘as built’ supply I have.

I’m just happy the fuse was the only casualty.

(For the trolls – Yes, I DID cut the grommet fit it, rather than dismantle the mains cable. GET OVER IT!)

Some extra techie goodness

Having spent a couple of days with the power supply mocking me from the back of the bench, I was compelled to drop the covers once again, to have a quick look inside to see if there was any obvious reason for the odd fuse readings, and behaviour of the mains indicator neon.

Irritatingly, I found that the good old Fluke 77 reads ‘continuity’ for quite high values of resistance, in this case 122 Ω. I may be wrong, but there appears to be no value given in the spec sheet I checked, yet I know modern multimeters generally stop signalling ‘continuity’ above 50 Ω. Still not exactly ‘continuity’ (for a wire or connection), but well below 122 Ω.

That higher figure was the resistance I found when I checked for an expected open-circuit between the output sides of the two fuse holders (before I’d thought about it properly).

Clearly something common to both, and NOT as shown on the relevant part of the circuit diagram, shown below.

Farnell L30-T Mains

Farnell L30-T Mains

At the time, and slightly misled by the diagram only showing ONE supply, it took a moment or two’s thought (and a quick scribble of a twin supply circuit) to make it obvious that the two (apparently) independent fuse holders were actually connected through the primary windings of the two mains transformers, which shared a common connection. While the transformer’s live terminals are independent, and fed from each fuse holder, their 0 V terminals share a common connection direct to the neutral wiring within the supply. Interestingly, despite being identical, one transformer was marked GEC, and the other ERG (who I’ve never heard of). They differed electrically as one primary measured 72 Ω, while the other was 50 Ω – making a total of 122 Ω (as measured above).

And the behaviour of the neon?

I followed the wiring from the protected/fused side of each fuse holder, and found it led to a piece of tag strip bolted to the chassis This had three resistors soldered to it, together with some more wires leading off… somewhere.

These appeared to lead to the neon, which unfortunately terminated in shrouded wires, hiding their colour.

After poking around this, it looked as if one led to the mains switch (neutral), while the other headed towards that terminal strip (which we already knew was connected to live via the fuse holders).

It looks as if they split the neon dropper resistor into three, each measuring about 45 kΩ. One in series with the neon, and the other two connected to that one, and fed from each fuse holder.

If either fuse fails, the current from one alone is insufficient to hold the neon ON after it strikes – a behaviour I did witness when I first tested the unit after the fall. The neon glow cannot sustain with the current supplied by just ONE of those resistors connected to the supply from the fuse holders.

A neat and simple means of indicating one of the mains fuses has failed if one of the supplies is not working.

LNT – Faulty frustration

Some problems just won’t go away.

Back in the day of Maplin I bought a small collection of various power supplies during one of their sales.

Two (small ones) have been fine, and do their jobs quietly, every day, without fuss or bother.

The third, oh dear – the biggest of the lot and intended to power huge laptops, I think it’s original price was £80 (which was MUCH less than similar OEM items), and the sale price was a real bargain.

Or would have been if it worked!

It started out well enough, but after a week or so it began to turn itself off.

I confirmed this over an extended period, took it back, and got a replacement.

Guess what? Yup… just the same.

Unfortunately, by the time I found this out the warranty was well out of date.

I had a look inside, but the construction meant most of the guts were hidden, and nothing obvious waved at me. It got stored on the shelf for a quieter day.

I recently did some updates on Power Supply Design (switched mode types) so decided to look at it again.

A quick once-over of the back of the board appeared to find a solder bridge, so that was cleared and it was plugged in.

It came to life right away, and I thought I’d lucked straight into the problem.

It ran for two days, but of course, then turned itself off again.

Another look inside confirmed it’s a PIG!

A heavy bent metal alloy heatsink encloses nearly all the components (those which can be seen look fine). To remove it, it has to be desoldered, together with all the components attached to it, since the brilliant design means they are screwed onto it from the INSIDE. It’s also partly glued in as well.

Out of curiosity, I tried heating the thing in case it was a simple thermal effect.

This did cause it to shut down, but it was pretty hot by then, and I noticed the little cooling fan never activated.

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple, as cooling it down doesn’t immediately see it start to work again. Even a spell in the fridge doesn’t help it along.

It can take hours, or even days, before it will start up again.

Guess I’ll maybe really have think about desoldering and ungluing that heatsink and it attached goodies if I’m ever going to progress this one.

Like I said to start – frustrating.

And a little odd, since I can see this sort of fault developing over time, but this was with two, each one straight from the shop.

I thought it might have been a bad production run, so there would be a load of them, but back in the day (and Maplin was still in business) I checked their online reviews, and while there were plenty of complaints, none matched this shutdown problem.

While it’s the usual shape, and similar to the one below (one of the smaller Maplin offering, which works just fine), it has twice the power rating, and a digital display to set any of the usual laptop supply voltages.

Power Supply

Power Supply

Guess it’s going to get to sit on the shelf again, until I suffer another bout of ‘motivation’.

That solder bridge I mentioned at the start?

Turns out it wasn’t.

The board employs what I refer to as ‘modern weird design’. Rather than just connect components, the tracks have various oddly shaped areas (to incorporate increased current handling, or safety features), and when I followed the tracks concerned found that what appeared to be two separate tracks were just the same track, but with a split through a large pad area, making it look like two adjacent tracks, but they were actually the same.


After the heating/cooling ‘failure’ I noted something else.

There’s no obvious pattern, when it fails, it can start working after a few minutes, or a few days (or even longer!).

Interestingly, having left it running on the bench, I managed to catch it as it failed.

I noticed it goes off in the same way as when power is removed, perhaps suggesting something is triggering a shutdown, such as a marginal component drifting and causing a voltage level to vary.

Guess I will have to think about desoldering that heatsink and the attached components for a closer look at the board – one day.