The utter insanity of tolerating Judge Cannon’s favouritism of convicted felon Donald J. Trump is reaching new highs

Almost a follow on from the previous post on the abuse of power and apparent lack of accountability in the Supreme or higher level courts of America is emphasised by the way Judge Aileen Cannon is able to favour convicted felon Donald J, Trump with her rulings and endless, ridiculous unchallengeable ‘Paperless Orders’.

The lack of accountability in this part of the American legal system is unbelievable.

Trump crazies just seem to get more and more disgusting – even when they should be outstanding people

From outside America, it’s become increasingly unbelievable to see that there seems to be NO mechanism to remove people from high office when they reveal just how unsuited they are to be in such positions, all the way from Congress with its MAGA leaders, and the Supreme Court which is fast becoming a farce as many of its members clearly have no right to be in such a position of power.

In the wake of convicted felon Donald J. Trump guilty verdict, GOP leaders prove themselves to be complete liars

It’s as if the GOP bootlickers don’t realise their past speeches and public presentations were caught on video, and things like complete about turns in their opinions can easily be called up from archives, and replayed against their later lies, or reversals in policy.

They seem to have no morals, no concept or understanding of honesty, and are as ready to lie as their convicted felon cult leader, as if no-one could check on their past.

Convicted Felon Trump’s MAGA cult members pose a threat to British tourist

Short video shows MAGA response to British tourist who they didn’t like apparently not taken them seriously.

Unfortunately, Trump’s uneducated masses will not just go away or disappear, even if he is locked up for the rest of his life.

Like Hitler’s Nazis, there is every chance that having been created, they will never go away, and breed,

Ayr – perfect for cars and numbers

And again – Ayr comes up with the goods.

This time it’s a Grey 2021 911 3.0T 992 Carrera 4S 4WD Petrol Convertible Manual, carrying 97 ME when caught.

I think this is my favourite iteration of this car’s styling as seen from the rear, with the various grilles and details. The cabriolet might even look better than the smoother standard car, echoing the Jaguar E-Type of old (for me, at least).

Ayr may not be the place to find cars that come in variations that could suck seven figures from your bank account if you got carried away, or spend too much time with the options list, but if you go there looking for noteworthy cars and/or numbers, you’re not likely to be disappointed.

Chances are if you’re alert, you’ll also spot some of those intriguing variations, where the number is worth more than the car.

Sad news if you haven’t been to Merchant City Cameras for a while

Glasgow’s Merchant City Cameras shop, in Parnie Street, has closed.

I think this is fairly recent.

I’m not sure when I last looked, but I was on the hunt for some gear, and did have a quick look at their website recently, although not expecting anything to happen, did not really notice when I did this, and it might have been in the past few weeks.

The website was up and running then, but when I checked again as I made this post, lest there be any further information posted there, it was gone.

I often passed the shop as I cycled home from an adventure, but since this would usually be at dark o’clock, not much chance of a look in the window since this was well after opening hours, so the shutters were always done anyway – no hint that anything had changed.

I only found out what had happened as I was passing last night, and happened to spot the two notices in the window. Unaware of their content, I stopped for a closure look, only to find:

While I was never in a position to collect any shiny new gear there, I did occasionally manage to look in the window at the right moment, and pick up nice second hand bargains.

That said, I think their business must have been hit hard by the switch from film to digital, and then the arrival of online shopping.

In the ‘Old Day’, I recall a shop window that was bursting at the seams with all sorts of gear.

But, once the two ‘advances’ I mentioned really took hold and changed the whole photography shopping experience, the window was bare. There was always interesting kit to be seen, both new and second-hand, but there was nothing like before.

It’s been sad watching the traditional camera shop disappear, from Williamsons at Charing Cross, then the little shop I never actually knew the name of in Queen Street, just off George Square, and even one I barely noticed in Sauchiehall Street, just a single window and door (also no idea what it was called). I’d even include Jessop’s in that list (yes, I know there’s a token outlet next to Buchanan Galleries) – and that place swallowed a lot of my money, sometimes wise, sometimes foolish.

Foolishly, when it still looked as if the price of the few dSLRs available back then was never going to fall (below four figures), I decided to buy a new film body with advance exposure control. No bargains as the end of its production had been announced, and there were (according to all the dealers) only two bodies left for sale in Scotland, and one was in Jessop’s Glasgow store. Muggins went and bought it. Well, it would still be some years before digital compacts would appear, and the price would fall below £100 per MP, and dSLRs were still way above that.

Having bought that body, it was nowhere near as nice as my daily driver, and I don’t think more than half a dozen rolls ever passed through it.

Lesson learnt (and no more costly Shelf Queens)!

A last look at Merchant City Cameras’ shopfront (minus the vandalism and graffiti).

Ironically, I made my first purchase at the now not so new WEX shop in Bath Street only a few days ago.

That’s how I knew the Merchant City Cameras website was up until recently, because I looked there first.

Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump can STILL run for President

This video confirms Trump can STILL run for President in the November election.

There seem to be NO exclusions for felons.

Apart from finding this strange just because it is something the Constitution does not take into account, and that is perhaps not all that surprising given when it was created, I doubt those who wrote it ever conceived of a lifelong criminal such convicted felon Donald J. Trump ever being elected or holding the position of President. The thing that really amazes me about this omission is that it was not addressed after Al Capone’s conviction on five counts of tax evasion in 1931. Like Trump, Capone was able to pay people to keep him clear of the law as regards his criminal activities. Although he didn’t run for President, he was like Trump in that he appeared to be ‘untouchable’.

Everyone was probably too received at getting him behind bars to consider anything else.

I wonder if his fate after conviction (he was 32, Trump is 76) will form any sort of model for Trump’s remaining years, could be appropriate:

After conviction, he replaced his defense team with experts in tax law, and his grounds for appeal were strengthened by a Supreme Court ruling, but his appeal ultimately failed. Capone showed signs of neurosyphilis early in his sentence and became increasingly debilitated before being released after almost eight years of incarceration. In 1947, he died of cardiac arrest after a stroke.

I caught an interesting documentary series some years ago, which went into his background and involvement with Prohibition, which was something of a joke, since at that time, the US Government was virtually run by the mob, perhaps a reminder of Trump’s Project 2025, where he plans to place ‘his’ people in all significant posts in the US Government, so it’s filled with ‘Yes’ people, and his decrees see no opposition or dissent.

Such was the state of affairs that fear of retribution and inability to act against those people in Government led to the appointment of Eliot Ness and The Untouchables – real people who were able to use the mob’s tactics against them with relative freedom, and eventually bring them to account.

But it shows what would be needed if someone like convicted felon Donald J. Trump was allowed back into the White House, completed his project, and assumed the role of dictator, AS HE HAS OPENLY STATED. For a day?

If you believe that, I have some nice bridges to sell you, and lots more.

Convicted felon Donald J. Trump just doesn’t stop – BUT NEVER TESTIFIED

Do you think he was afraid of the fact that this would have opened him up to cross-examination?

His mouth never stops when he’s outside a court whining and spewing endless lies – but not a word when he’s inside a court, and given the opportunity to give his version.

Possibly one of the best things about his post trial and conviction behaviour is the absolute lack of remorse, or acknowledgement of his guilt.

This can only bode well for his sentencing on 12 July – as the judge will have few, if any, factors which have to be taken into account when considering reasons NOT impose the maximum penalties available.

Jail time would be nice 🙂

Lots of jail time would be even better 😀

Bowling harbour ship graveyard

Although it wasn’t something I set out to capture at Bowling harbour, it did seem a shame to waste this pic of the visible remains of craft lying in what I discovered was referred to as the Bowling Harbour Ship Graveyard while I was looking at the historical record for the area.

The one disappointing thing is that for such a record, while the notes give some specific details about the wrecks, such as noting the presence of metal and wooden structures, they fail to give any estimation of the date or period of the wrecks.

It is possible to hunt for other pics of the area, by people who are able to access records of old craft, and I’ve found one that has a date of just after 1900, so more could be found.

Back around 2006, when the entrance to the Forth and Clyde Canal was being tidied, these wrecks were considered unsightly, and many were removed, and this seems to have been a slowly continuing process, to clear the graveyard, with only a handful being left visible – more may appear at low water (but I haven’t been there at that time).

Is this the watery maritime version of ‘gentrification’? Just asking, not commenting,

I like having these wrecks present, and nature will remove them soon enough anyway, and ease anyone whose eyes are so easily offended.

There’s now only four clearly visible wrecks, when I’m there, with the fourth being just outside this pic towards the top left, but was caught by chance, in this earlier pic of Frisky Wharf.

I believe the total number may be six, with one being somewhere in the middle of the old harbour, and out of sight most of the time, and another hidden behind the large wreck at the rear of the above shot.

I have yet to arrive here at low water, and see what is revealed.

The closest indication I have is a pic taken back in 2008, which, in the area it covers at low water, adds another seven or eight – hard to be sure as they look different, with more structure remaining, so I could be counting one or two twice.

I’ll keep looking. After all, it can’t be high water EVERY time I arrive.

An insight into the sentencing of convicted felon Donald J. Trump

Much as it would be nice to see video of Trump fighting and struggling with officers as he’s dragged off to the cells, the reality as analysed by grown up is that baby convicted felon Donald J. Trump will continue to enjoy at least some privileges, and that’s not likely to be seen – unless he loses it – which I hope he still does at some point.

I suppose the hand and ankle chains seen in some American courts are too much to hope for as well. They’d probably just slip off those tiny hands anyway.

The nicest part of this analysis as that his behaviour COULD still see ADDITIONAL sentencing for his various ongoing violations.

And a nice reminder that this was just ONE of the cases he faces, with this first cases indicating that the chances of him being found NOT GUSTY in any of the rest becoming an increasingly declining result.

This disgusting apology for a human being has already started the grift for more money from his cult, with this billionaire begging them to send him their money to fund an appeal.


I was out when the news broke – but it was so nice to see it as first headlines when I went online.

It seems Trump has actually won a unanimous vote!

If only we could have a ‘Fly on the wall’ hidden camera view of Convict Trump’s response, and what sort of mental state he is in after the grown-ups didn’t believe all the stories the big orange liar made up.

Enjoy this brief summary of the verdict.

I saw this a while ago, and thought it would be nice to have it handy, just in case things went well 🙂